Linux Terminal Cheat Sheet
This is a derivative work under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. See license information section for more details.
This document should be viewed with a monospace font and without line wrapping.
This document aims to improve the original by adding content, removing outdated information, improving readability and formatting, improving examples, and various other changes.
| Placeholders are contained in '<' and '>', they should be replaced with the relevant string, e.g. '<file>' could be 'options.json'
| A number will be appended to indicate separate placeholders of the same type, e.g. <file1>, <file2>
| Multiple options are each separated by a '/' in the placeholder, some placeholders with multiple options include literal strings of text which should not be replaced, e.g. '<y/n>' could be 'y' or 'n'
| <file> is the path or name of a file
| <directory> is the path to a directory, it should be inside '' or "" if the path includes whitespaces or other special characters
| <command> is any valid terminal command
| <number> can be any valid whole number, and can have decimals or other restrictions if specified
| <package> can be the name of any valid package in a package repository
| <address> can be any valid URL or IP address
| <archive> is the path or name of an archive file
| <text> can be almost any string of characters
| <disk> can be any valid disk path, e.g. '/dev/sda'
| <device> can be any valid disk or partition path, e.g. '/dev/nvme0n1p1' or '/dev/sdb'
| <source> can be a file or directory acting as a source
| <dest> can be a file or directory acting as a destination
| <time> can be any valid date or time
| <user> can be any valid user on a system
| <group> can be any valid group on a system
| <YYYY> is the year
| <MM> is the month, from 01-12
| <DD> is the day of the month, from 01-31
| <D> is the day of the week, from 0-6, 0 being Sunday
| <h> is the hour in 24-hour time, from 00-23
| <m> is the minute, from 00-59
| <s> is the second, from 00-59
Table of Contents
| Section Line number
| Basic Information .............................. 80
| Terminal Shortcuts 81
| File Path Syntax 106
| Console Terminology 117
| Shells 126
| Text Editors 134
| Basic Commands ................................. 144
| Terminal Navigation 145
| System Information 176
| Time and Date 194
| Installing Software ............................ 207
| Arch Linux (Using pacman) 208
| Debian and Derivatives (Using apt) 223
| From Source (Do Your Own Research) 236
| File Data ...................................... 248
| File Manipulation 249
| File Searching 297
| Reading, Sorting, and Filtering Data 312
| Compressing and Extracting Data 358
| Mounting and Filesystems 371
| Permissions .................................... 397
| Users and Groups 398
| File Permissions 409
| Network ........................................ 429
| Local Area Network 430
| Internet 447
| Data Over Internet 461
| Programs ....................................... 493
| Scheduling Programs 494
| Background Processes 517
| Process Management 526
| Managing Commands .............................. 556
| Flow Redirection 557
| Chaining Commands 576
| Executing and Scripting 585
| License Information ............................ 616
Ctrl+L | Clear the terminal screen
Ctrl+D | Exit (sends a signal indicating the end of a text stream)
Ctrl+C | Kills the current program (soft kill, lets the program intercept the command to clean up before exiting)
Ctrl+Z | Pause current program
Shift+PgUp | Scrolls up the terminal
Shift+PgDn | Scrolls down the terminal
Ctrl+A | Cursor to the start of the line
Ctrl+E | Cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+U | Delete everything left of the cursor
Ctrl+K | Delete everything right of the cursor
Ctrl+W | Delete first word on the left
'Up Arrow' | Navigates previous commands
'Down Arrow' | Navigates previous commands
Ctrl+R | Searches previous commands
Tab | Auto complete a file path or command
Alt+. | Inserts the last argument from previous commands
!! | Repeat last command
Ctrl+Alt+F<number> | Selects <number> console, F1-F6 switches between different virtual consoles, and F7 is used for the X session (with GUI windows and apps)
/ | Root directory, parent path to all the files on a system (always used to specify absolute paths)
| e.g. '/home/user/Documents/data/data-tuesday.csv' is the absolute path for './data/data-tuesday.csv' when working in '~/Documents'
. | Working directory
| e.g. 'cd ./downloaded_files/' functions the same as 'cd /home/user/Downloads/downloaded_files/' when working in '/home/user/Downloads'
~ | Home directory
| e.g. 'cd ~/Documents/'
.. | Parent of working directory
|e.g. 'cd ..' functions the same as 'cd /home/user/' when working in '/home/user/Downloads'
Console | Sometimes refers to a physical terminal (like the connected keyboard and monitor), and is a low-level part of the system
| can also be called a tty (teletypewriter)
Terminal | Sometimes refers to a terminal emulator, or the hardware (like a connected keyboard and monitor), running a shell
Terminal Emulator | A software wrapper for a shell
Shell | A program which interprets and processes input and returns output
Command Line | An interface used to enter commands (Command-Line Interface, CLI)
sh | A programming language described by the POSIX standard (sh is a specification, not implementation, and usually links to another implementation like bash)
bash | A common implementation of the POSIX standard, although not fully POSIX-compliant (it may change the behaviour of valid POSIX shell scripts), it has more functionality than sh
| you can search for lists of differences between shells
dash | The default shell for Debian, fully POSIX-compliant but not fully compatible with bash
zsh | The default shell for Mac OS, very feature-rich but is incompatible with other shells in multiple ways
nano <file> | Opens the nano editor to create or edit <file>
| shortcuts and options are displayed at the bottom of the terminal
vim <file> | Opens the vim editor to create or edit <file>
| exit by typing ':q' in normal mode, ':wq' to save and exit, or ':q!' to exit without saving
| enter insert mode (start typing) by pressing 'i', exit to normal mode with the 'Esc' key, and enter visual mode (selecting text) with 'v'
| in normal mode, type 'dd' to delete the selected line, 'yy' to copy the line, 'P' to paste before cursor, and 'p' to paste clipboard after cursor
| select text by starting visual mode in the first position, then moving the cursor to the second position, press 'y' to copy, or 'd' to delete, then 'p' to paste
ls -a | Lists all files and directories in working directory
ls -l | Lists details of all files and directories in working directory
ls -h | Lists all files and directories with with units (k, M, G, etc.) appended to the sizes for readability
ls <directory> | Lists files and directories in <directory>
ls *.<text> | Lists all .<text> files
| e.g. "ls *.sh" lists all .sh files, such as '' or ''
ls !(<text>) | Lists all files except <text>
ls <text1> <text2> | Lists results for both <text1> and <text2>
cd <directory> | Changes working directory to <directory>
cd / | Changes working directory to root directory
cd .. | Changes to parent of working directory
cd - | Changes to previous working directory
pwd | Prints the working directory
history | Lists history of commands
alias <text>=<command> | Sets an alias for <text> to function as <command>
<text1>=<text2> | Sets variable '<text1>' to be '<text2>'
| you can use '<text2>' in other commands by typing '$<text1>'
man <command> | Shows the manual page for <command>
less <file> | Shows the contents of <file> in an interactive, dynamic interface
<command> | less | Shows the output of <command> in an interactive, dynamic interface
echo <text> | Prints <text>
free | Lists information about system memory
free -h | Lists information about system memory in a human readable format
dmidecode -t memory | Lists information about physical memory
lspci | Lists PCI and PCIe devices
lspci -nnk | Lists PCI and PCIe devices with some detail and drivers
lspci -vvv | Lists detailed information about PCI and PCIe devices
lsusb | Lists USB devices
lsusb -v | Lists detailed USB device information
lsusb -vvt | Lists detailed USB device information as a tree
lscpu | Lists CPU information
uname -a | Lists system software information including: hostname, kernel, and architecture
hostnamectl | Lists various system information
neofetch | Lists various system information
timedatectl | Prints information about current system time, time zone, and synchronization
hwclock --show | Prints the current date and time from the hardware clock
date | Prints the current system time and date
date +%H | Prints the current hour with preceding zero
date +%H:%M:%S | Prints the current hour, minute, and seconds
timedatectl set-ntp true | Enables the synchronization of system time with an NTP server
hwclock --systohc | Sets the hardware clock from the system clock
timedatectl set-time 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' | Sets the system time and date
date 'MMDDhhmmYYYY' | Sets the system time and date
pacman -S <package> | Installs <package> and any dependencies
pacman -R <package> | Uninstalls <package>
pacman -Rs <package> | Uninstalls <package> and any dependencies which are no longer required
pacman -Qs <text> | Searches repositories and lists packages with <text>
pacman -Syu | Updates all packages
| 'S' synchronizes packages including all dependencies
| 'y' refreshes package database
| 'u' upgrades outdated packages
yay -S <package> | Installs <package> from the AUR if available
| you can install yay with "pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si"
apt install <package> | Installs <package> and any dependencies
apt remove <package> | Uninstalls <package>
apt autoremove | Uninstalls orphaned dependencies (packages no longer required)
| best practice to run after "apt remove <package>" to clean any unused dependencies
apt search <text> | Searches repositories and lists packages with <text>
apt update | Updates repositories and checks for newer package versions
apt upgrade | Upgrades current packages
| best practice to first run "apt update" to get the latest packages
apt full-upgrade | Upgrades the entire system (will remove currently installed packages if needed to update the system)
1. | wget <address> | Downloads the source file (is usually .tar.gz, .tar.xz, .zip, or another compressed format)
2. | ls | Verify file name and existence
3. | tar -xf <archive> | Decompress the file
| | if .zip: "unzip <text>.zip"
4. | ls | Check for a new directory (most likely has the same, or similar name to <archive>)
5. | cd <directory> | Change working directory to the new <directory>
6. | ./configure | Create a makefile
7. | make | Build the software package
8. | sudo make install | Install the package to the correct locations on the machine
cat <file> | Prints the content of <file>
| append " | less" for better readability
cat > <file> | Creates or overwrites <file>, each line you enter will be written to each line of <file>
head -n <number> <file> | Prints the content of <file> at <number> lines from the top
tail -n <number> <file> | Prints the content of <file> at <number> lines from the bottom
tail -f <file> | Prints new data as <file> grows
mkdir <directory> | Creates <directory>
| e.g. "mkdir ../Downloads/plaintexts /mnt/tempstorage1/photos/"
| "mkdir rich_texts"
| "mkdir '~/My Photos/Tuesday/' "
mkdir -p <directory> | Creates <directory> as well as any specified parent directories if required
cp <file1> <file2> | Copies and renames <file1> to <file2>
| e.g. "cp ~/Downloads/example.png /mnt/my_images/renamedexample.png"
cp <file> <directory> | Copies <file> into <directory>
cp -R <directory1> <directory2> | Copies and renames <directory1> to <directory2>
cp <text>* <directory> | Copies all files starting with '<text>' to <directory>
| e.g. "cp data-* ../data" copies all files starting with 'data-' (such as 'data-tuesday.csv') to the 'data' directory
mv <file1> <file2> | Moves and renames <file1> to <file2>
| e.g. "mv photo.jpg photo-wednesday.jpg" renames photo.jpg
| "mv photo.jpg .." moves photo.jpg into parent directory
| "mv /mnt/newusb/data.txt ~/Downloads/sortme.txt" moves and renames data.txt
mv <file> <directory> | Moves <file> into <directory>
mv <directory1> <directory2> | Moves <directory1> into <directory2>
rm <file> | Deletes <file> (or multiple)
| e.g. "rm data-tue* data-wed* *.svg" removes all files starting with 'data-tue' and all .svg files
| "rm !(data-monday.txt)" removes all files except data-monday.txt
rm -r <directory> | Deletes <directory> (or multiple)
rm -i <file> | Asks for confirmation before deleting each file
rm -f <file> | Forces the deletion of <file>
shred <file> | Overwrites the data of <file> with random data
shred -f <file> | Forces overwriting the data of <file> with random data
shred -u <file> | Overwrites the data of <file> with random data and removes the file
touch <file> | Updates the accessed and modified dates of <file> to the current time
| <file> will be created if it does not exist
ln <file1> <file2> | Creates <file2> as a hard link to <file1>
| A hard link is a file which points to the same inode (the same data on the disk)
ln -s <file1> <file2> | Creates <file2> as a symbolic link to <file1>
| A symbolic link (or soft link) is a file which points to another file/directory
ln -s <directory1> <directory2> | Creates <directory2> as a symbolic link to <directory1>
locate <text> | Searches all file names in a database for <text>
| append " | less" for better readability
locate -r /<text>$ | Searches all file names in a database for exact matches of <text>
updatedb | Updates the database
find <directory> -name "<text>" | Searches all file names in <directory> for "<text>"
| e.g. "find ~ -name 'linux_ch*'" lists all files beginning with 'linux_ch'
| "find ~ -name '*.png'" lists all .png files
| append " | less" for better readability
find <directory> -size +<number><k/M/G/T> | Searches <directory> for files larger than <number>, k/M/G/T are decimal prefixes
find -name "<text>" -mtime -<number> | Searches <directory> for files named "<text>" modified less than <number> days ago
find -type d | Searches working directory for directories
grep <text> <file> | Prints lines with <text> in <file>
grep -i <text> <file> | Prints lines with <text> in <file> while ignoring capitalization
grep -v <text> <file> | Prints lines without <text> in <file>
grep -r <text> <directory> | Prints file names with <text> in <directory>
grep -E "^<text>" <file> | Prints lines starting with <text> in <file>
grep -E "<text>$" <file> | Prints lines ending with <text> in <file>
grep -E "...<text>" <file> | Prints lines containing any 3 characters followed by <text> in <file>
grep -E "[0-9]" <file> | Prints lines containing numbers in <file>
grep -E "[a-zA-Z]" <file> | Prints lines containing alphabetical letters in <file>
grep -E "^[A-Z].*\.$" <file> | Prints lines that start with a capital letter which is followed by any character, and the line ends with a period in <file>
sort <file> | Prints the sorted content of <file> alphabetically
sort -u <file> | Prints the sorted content of <file> alphabetically and removes duplicates
sort -o <file1> <file2> | Prints the sorted content of <file2> alphabetically and outputs it to <file1>
sort -r <file> | Prints the sorted content of <file> reverse alphabetically
sort -R <file> | Prints the sorted content of <file> randomly
uniq <file> | Prints the content of <file> without any duplicated adjacent lines
diff <file1> <file2> | Displays the differences between <file1> and <file2>
diff -c <file1> <file2> | Displays the differences between <file1> and <file2> with context for each difference
diff -u <file1> <file2> | Displays the differences between <file1> and <file2> as one file
wc <file> | Prints the number of lines, number of words, byte size, and file path
| e.g. "wc Documents/plaintexts/*" lists all files in the plaintexts/ directory
| "wc ~/Documents/data/data-friday.txt"
cut -c <number1>-<number2> <file> | Prints everything between and including the <number1> character to <number2> character of each line
sed 's/<text1>/<text2>/g' <file> | Prints the content of <file>, replacing every occurrence of <text1> with <text2>
| 's' specifies the substitution operation
| 'g' searches for all matches in each line
sed '<number> s/<text1>/<text2>/g' <file> | Prints the content of <file>, replacing every occurrence of <text1> with <text2> on line <number>
sed '<number1>,<number2> s/<text1>/<text2>/g' <file> | Prints the content of <file>, replacing every occurrence of <text1> with <text2> on lines <number1>-<number2>
sed 's/<text1>/<text2>/<number>g' <file1> | Prints the content of <file>, replacing every occurrence of <text1> which is after and including the <number> occurrence in each line, with <text2>
sed -n '<number1>,<number2>p' <file> | Prints lines <number1> to <number2> in <file>
| 'p' prints the matched lines
| '-n' makes it not print the full contents of <file> as well
sed -n '/^<text>/p' <file> | Prints every line that starts with "<text>" in <file>
sed -n -e '1~2p' -e '1~7p' <file> | Prints every 2nd line starting at 1, and every 7th line starting at 1 in <file>
sed '<number1>,<number2>d' <file> | Deletes lines <number1>-<number2> in <file>
sed '<number>,$d' <file> | Deletes lines from line <number> to the last line in <file>
sed '/<text>/d' <file> | Deletes all lines with "<text>" in <file>
tar -zcf <text>.tar.gz <file> | Compresses <file> with gzip into the archive <text>.tar.gz
| 'z' uses gzip, 'j' uses bzip2, 'J' uses xz
| e.g. "tar -Jcf all_data.tar.xz data-monday.txt data-tuesday.txt data-wednesday.txt"
tar -xf <archive> | Decompresses <archive> and outputs contents to working directory
tar -tf <archive> | Lists contents of <archive> without decompressing it
zcat <file> | View compressed file in the console (same as cat)
zmore <file> | View compressed file in the console (same as more)
zless <file> | View compressed file in the console (same as less)
du -h | Lists storage usage of directories, human readable sizes
du -ah | Lists storage usage of files & directories, human readable sizes
du -sh | Lists storage summary of usage of directories, human readable sizes
lsblk | Lists block storage devices
df | Lists file systems, their available space, and mount points
df -h | Lists file systems, their available space with human readable sizes, and mount points
fdisk -l | Lists all file systems in /proc/partitions
fdisk <disk> | Creates and modifies partition tables on <disk>
| in fdisk, enter 'm' for help, and 'q' to quit without saving
mkfs.<text> <device> | When <text> is a valid filesystem, formats <device> with that filesystem
| e.g. "mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2"
mount <device> <directory> | Mounts <device> to <directory>
umount <device> | Unmounts <device>
dd if=<text1>.txt of=<text2>.txt conv=ucase | Creates a copy of <text1>.txt with all uppercase letters named <text2>.txt
dd if=<disk1> of=<disk2> | Clones <disk1> to <disk2>, <disk2> should be at least equal size to <disk1>
dd if=/dev/zero of=<disk> | Overwrites all data on <disk>
dd if=<text>.<iso/img> of=<disk> | Flashes <text>.<iso,img> to <disk>
| use mkfs with appropriate filesystem on <disk> beforehand
dd if=<disk> of=<text>.<iso/img> | Makes an image of <disk>
useradd <text> | Creates a new user named <text>, an alternative command 'adduser' is made to be more user-friendly
passwd <user> | Changes the password for <user>
userdel <user> | Deletes <user>, an alternative command 'deluser' is made to be more user-friendly
usermod -l <text> <user> | Changes the name of <user> to <text>
groupadd <text> | Create a new user group named <text>, an alternative command 'addgroup' is made to be more user-friendly
groupdel <group> | Deletes <group>, an alternative command 'delgroup' is made to be more user-friendly
usermod -aG <group> <user> | Adds <user> to <group>
chown <user> <file> | Sets ownership of <file> to <user>
chown <user>:<group> <file> | Sets user ownership of <file> to <user> and group ownership to <group>
chown -R <user>:<group> <directory> | Sets user ownership of <directory> and all subdirectories to <user> and group ownership to <group>
chmod <u/g/o/a><+/-/=><r/w/x> <file> | Modifies permissions of <file>
| 'u' is user, 'g' is group, 'o' is other, 'a' is all
| '+' adds a right, '-' removes a right, '=' sets a right
| 'r' is read permission, 'w' is write permission, 'x' allows execution
| e.g. "chmod a+x" makes executable by anyone
| "chmod ug+rwx data.txt" gives full permissions of data.txt to user and group
chmod <number1><number2><number3> <file> | Modifies permissions of <file>
| <number> can be any whole number from 0-7
| 'r'=4, 'w'=2, 'x'=1
| <number1> is user, <number2> is group, <number3> is other
| e.g. 'rwx'='4+2+1'=7
| 'rx'='4+1'=5
| "chmod 777" gives everyone read, write, and execute permissions
| "chmod 664 photo.jpg" gives user and group read and write permissions, and read permission to others
ip <a/addr> | Displays information about network interfaces
nmcli | Displays status and configurations of network interfaces
nmcli device wifi list | Lists available Wi-Fi access points
nmcli device wifi connect <text1> password <text2> | Connect to SSID <text1> with the password <text2>
nmcli --ask device wifi connect <text> | Connect to open security SSID <text>
nmcli connection edit type ethernet | Opens an interactive menu to manage ethernet connections
nmtui | Displays an interactive TUI menu to configure network interfaces
ufw status | Displays open ports on the local system
ufw <enable/disable> | Enables and disables the ufw firewall
ufw allow <number> | Opens port <number>
ufw deny <number> | Closes port <number>
ping <address> | Pings <address>
ping -c <number> <address> | Pings <address> <number> times
ping -i <number> <address> | Pings <address> every <number> seconds
traceroute <address> | Traces the route of packets sent to <address>
tracepath <address> | Traces the path of packets sent to <address> (very similar to traceroute)
dig <address> | When <address> is a URL, it queries DNS and prints the response as well as other information
nslookup <address> | When <address> is a domain, it prints the IP address, when <address> is an IP address, it prints the domain name
netstat -a | Lists all connected and listening sockets
| append " | less" for better readability
wget <address> | Downloads the content content <address>
| e.g. "wget" downloads 'index.html' from ''
| "wget" downloads the compressed Linux 4.17.2 kernel
curl <address> | Prints the content at <address>
curl -O <address> | Downloads the content at <address> with the remote filename
curl -o <text> <address> | Downloads the content at <address> with the filename of <text>
ssh <address> | Connects to SSH server at <address>, allows you to interact with the host remotely
ssh <user>@<address> | Connects to SSH server at <address> as <user>
ssh <address> -p <number> | Connects to SSH server at <address> over port <number>
ssh-keygen -t rsa | Creates an SSH key pair in '~/.ssh', run this command on the client system
ssh-copy-id <address> | Copies the public key to <address> (the server), run this command on the client system
sftp <user>@<address> | Connects to SFTP server at <address> as <user>, allows you to securely transfer files between machines
| in sftp, enter 'help' or '?' for help
| enter "get <file>" to download a file on the server
| enter "put <file> <directory>" to upload local <file> to remote <directory>
| enter "rm <file>" to delete <file> on the server
| enter "rmdir <directory>" to delete <directory> on the server
| enter "mkdir <directory>" to create <directory> on the server
scp <source> <user>@<address>:<dest> | Copies <source> on local machine to <dest> at <address>
scp <user>@<address>:<source> <dest> | Copies <source> from <address> to <dest> on local machine
rsync <source> <user>@<address>:<dest> | Copies <source> on local machine to <dest> at <address>
rsync <user>@<address>:<source> <dest> | Copies <source> from <address> to <dest> on local machine
rsync -P <user>@<address>:<source> <dest> | Copies <source> from <address> to <dest> on local machine and allows resuming the command after interruption
w3m <address> | Opens a TUI internet browser and loads <address>, not included on most distributions
watch <command> | Executes <command> every 2 seconds and displays the output
watch -n <number> <command> | Executes <command> every <number> seconds (up to 1 decimal place) and displays the output
at <time> | Allows you to enter commands which will execute on <time>
atq | Lists pending commands
atrm <number> | Removes pending command <number>
sleep <number> | Pauses for <number> seconds
| <number> can be appended with s, m, h, or d to specify units
crontab -e | Creates or edits the current user's crontab entry
| in crontab, valid format is "<m> <h> <DD> <MM< <D> <command>"
| replace units with '*' for any
| e.g. "* * * * * <command>" executes every minute
| "00 15 1,10,15,18 * * <command>" executes on days 1, 10, 15, and 18 each month at 3:00pm
| "45 17 1-21 * * <command>" executes every day at 5:45pm on days 1-21 each month
| "0 */2 * * * <command>" executes every 2 hours
| "/30 9-17 * * 1-5 <command>" executes every 30 minutes, from 9am-5pm on Monday to Friday
crontab -l | Lists the current user's crontab entry
crontab -r | Deletes the current user's crontab entry
<command> & | Runs <command> in the background
nohup <command> | Runs <command> and continues running when terminal is closed
jobs | Lists programs running in the background
fg <number> | Makes program <number> run in the foreground
bg <number> | Makes program <number> run in the background
w | Lists current users and what they are doing
top | Shows a dynamic list of running processes and system resources
| 'q' to quit, 'h' for help, 'k' to kill a process
htop | Shows an interactive dynamic list of running processes and system resources with color
ps | Lists currently running processes
ps -ef | Lists all currently running processes
| append " | less" for better readability
ps -ejH | Lists process tree
kill <number> | Gracefully kill process with <number> process ID (sends signal to process to exit)
| identical to "kill -15 <number>"
| can replace <number> with process name
kill -9 <number> | Kills process with <number> process ID (requests the OS to immediately cease process)
killall <text> | Kills multiple processes by name, matching "<text>"
systemctl enable <text>.service | Enables the <text>.service systemd unit
systemctl start <text>.service | Starts the <text>.service systemd unit
systemctl stop <text>.service | Stops the <text>.service systemd unit
systemctl status <text>.service | Displays information and the most recent logs of the <text>.service systemd unit
journalctl -u <text>.service | Prints log entries of the <text>.service systemd unit
journalctl -f <text>.service | Prints the most recent log entries of the <text>.service systemd unit and continuously prints new entries
halt | Halts the machine
shutdown -H | Halts the machine
poweroff | Shuts down the machine
shutdown -P | Shuts down the machine
reboot | Restarts the machine
shutdown -r | Restarts the machine
<command> > <file> | Standard output of <command> is redirected to <file>
| e.g. "ps -ejH > output.txt"
| "cat > data.txt"
<command> 2> <file> | Error output of <command> is redirected to <file>
<command> &> <file> | Standard and error output of <command> is redirected to <file>
| e.g. "&> /dev/null" can be used to silence the output of a command
<command> >> <file> | Standard output of <command> is redirected and appended to <file>
| e.g. "ls -a notadir/ >> data.txt 2>> errors.log"
<command> 2>> <file> | Error output of <command> is redirected and appended to <file>
<command> &>> <file> | Standard and error output of <command> is redirected and appended to <file>
<command> < <file> | Inputs <file> to <command>
<command> << "<text>" | <command> stops at <text>
| e.g. "cat > <file> << endhere" will not write the entered lines until you enter 'endhere' on a new line
<command> <<< "<text>" | Inputs <text> to <command>
<command1> ; <command2> | Executes <command1> then executes <command2>
<command1> | <command2> | Executes <command1> and redirects the output to <command2>
<command1> && <command2> | Executes <command1> and executes <command2> if <command1> was successful
<command1> || <command2> | Executes <command1> and executes <command2> if <command1> failed
<command1> && { <command2> ; <command3> ; } | Executes <command1> and executes both <command2> then <command3> if <command1> was successful
<command1> && <command2> || <command3> | Executes <command1> and executes <command2> if <command1> was successful, or <command3> if <command1> failed
<file> | Executes <file> (assuming <file> has correct executable permission)
| e.g. "~/Downloads/" runs ''
| "./" runs the '' file in the working directory
| "/usr/bin/pwd" functions the same as 'pwd'
| "/usr/bin/man ls" functions the same as 'man ls' | This is a file named '', with the contents of each line after each '>' character
>echo "Here is the time:" | each newline character is interpreted the same as ';', it will execute each command one after the other
>date +%H:%M:%S | e.g. 'date' followed by "echo End" on a new line functions the same as "date; echo End"
>echo "That is the time." | the script exits after the last command
>echo "Goodbye." | This script is named '', it should include '&&' between every command to stop on failure, but works as an example
>mkdir ./my-program | first, it creates a 'my-program/' directory in the working directory
>cd ./my-program | second, it changes the working directory to 'my-program/'
>wget && ./ | third, it downloads something from '', and if successful, executes ''
>./myprogram | fourth, it executes 'myprogram' | This script is specifically a bash script, which uses a shebang (on the first line) to be run with bash
>#!/bin/bash | indicates that the script will be executed with bash
>InstallDir='/usr/local/bin/myapp' | sets the 'InstallDir' variable to a specific directory
>mkdir $InstallDir && echo "Created app directory" | creates the specified installation directory and tells the user that it made a directory
>pacman -S somedependency --noconfirm | installs a dependency without any confirmations
>cd $InstallDir && wget | changes working directory to $InstallDir and downloads an app
>./install && echo "Installed app" | runs an install script and tells the user the app was installed
>systemctl enable app && systemctl restart app | enables and starts the app as a service
>echo "Success!" | tells the user "Success!"
>sleep 2 | pauses for 2 seconds before exiting
This document is a derivative work of the "Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheet" PDF by Raph D. from 2011:
The original document was published on their blog (archived) here:
An available copy of the original can be found here:
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